“Rules only apply to those who dress poorly”

The Business

Primo was started to serve the luxury tailoring market. The number of horror stories told by clients about how a well-meaning seamstress ruined their clothing is mind-blowing!

So we wanted to create a place that you could trust to deliver your beloved clothing to. Because one thing that is consistent with every major life event is that you probably had clothing on! (Not counting your birth)

  1. We can meet you or have you stop by the shop!
  2. With our virtual fitting process. We set up a video call and help you fit yourself then mail out your clothing to be fixed by an expert!
  3. The bus is a passion project that is currently in the works that will allow our tailors to travel to many different cities to provide this much-needed service to places that do not have an established tailor!

The Vision

We know that skilled tailors are a dying breed so we want to make quality service easy enough for everyone to accesses it!

So we want to be apart of training 10,000 tailors!

Training the next generation with online teaching platforms that we plan to heavily add to!

We hope that with interjecting of a new generation of tailors will help grow the market for sustainable clothing and help lower the need for fast fashion and make quality the staple!

With all this said we are so glad you stopped by the primo website and look forward to business with you the future!